Beginner Essentials
Blog posts

I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends: Goal Setting and Community
April 13, 2018
Goal Setting The S.M.A.R.T. Way Goal setting is a critically important part of achieving success both inside and outside of the gym. Anyone can set

5 Reasons Why Goal Setting Will Improve Your Focus
April 9, 2018
Goal setting is important because they build self-confidence and help you increase productivity but the science behind why goals help us focus is more opaque.

“Shhh, Show Me.”
December 21, 2017
Most of you know my dad, Larry Howald. He’s the guy you hear on the radio for Howald Heating and Air. He’s the guy that

Is Crossfit for Beginners?
January 3, 2017
My answer to this is yes Crossfit is for beginners. There’s a catch though. We’ll get to the in a second. Crossfit is