Monday May 3/10 Post author:Jeff Edwards Post published:May 3, 2010 Post category:Blogs May’s Benchmark Challenge Filthy Fifty 50 box jumps 50 jumping pull ups 50 kb swings 50 walking lunges 50 knees to elbows 50 push press 45lbs 50 supermans 50 wallball 50 burpees 50 double unders Katherine and Natasha giong overhead. Jeff Edwards - National Coach USA Weightlifting - Crossfit Coach of individual and team competitors - Outdoorsy nerd - Owner and Head Coach at BR Fit Club You Might Also Like Yoga Canceled 1/11/15 at 4pm January 11, 2015 Monday Feb 8/10 February 8, 2010 Tuesday Sept 22/09 September 22, 2009