Tuesday Oct 27/09

AMRAP in 20 minutes

5 Hang Clean 95lbs

7 Front Squat 95lbs

9 Push Press 95lbs

Jackie and Caitlin completing their shuttle runHow did we get here?

by Doug Chapman

How did we get here?

Training is easy. It is a step by step process to eliminate weakness; progressions to add weight, range of motion and intensity are tools. Training people is a process of many small steps. Stress the body, allow for proper rest and recovery and it becomes stronger and more efficient. Do it again and again. The result is creating people who are more capable at whatever they choose. We can look at benchmarks or biochemical markers; the result is a healthier more “fit” individual. When someone comes into train regularly, our jobs are easy.

Consider going to the grocery store. We all do, fairly regularly. Who has seen the people in electric carts? Very few people are born to require motorized transportation in the grocery store. Our heart goes out to the people are born to require it and it really makes one wonder what a person who was born healthy with full mobility does to get there. Maybe I have been too long an athlete and trainer, but I look for teaching progressions in just about everything. What is the progression to end up in a cart at Meijer?

Working out is uncomfortable.

Read the rest of this artcile.

Jeff Edwards

- National Coach USA Weightlifting - Crossfit Coach of individual and team competitors - Outdoorsy nerd - Owner and Head Coach at BR Fit Club