Freddy’s Revenge
5 rounds
185lb overhead anyhow 5 reps
10 burpees
Game on.
Go team Watson!Vitamin D, you need more.
Vitamin D-Now part of the Fit4You5!
After attending the paleo brands conference where Loren Cordain called vitamin D the most important supplement known to man, I started looking more into it, asking a whole lot of questions to very knowledgeable people, and have come to the conclusion that it needs to be part of the Fit4You5. For a break down of how it works and why its so important, keep reading:
Vitamin D is now known to significantly reduce our risk of flu, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and boosts athletic performance without side effects and it is also safe for children.
85-90% of people are deficient to severely deficient in Vitamin D. This is because we get very little from our diets except for fish and in fortified dairy now. This is exacerbated by having jobs that are indoor. When we do go outside we use sunscreen which blocks UVB radiation that allows Vitamin D production to occur in our skin.
This is particularly alarming because of the health benefits of Vitamin D