Welcome to the Fitness Party!
Whether you’re new to the fitness game altogether or getting back on the train after a time away, WELCOME TO THE PARTY! We’re so glad you’re here (and, no, it’s not just the endorphins talking).
It can be overwhelming to know where and how to start on the road to your best, fittest life, but that’s where we come in! We work with dozens of new members each month, and have compiled some of our favorite – and most effective – tips for how to make your transition the smoothest it can be.
You Need to Know:
1. Your “why”, “what” and “how”.
Why now? What is your motivation for starting/continuing/changing your health and wellness routine? It’s crucial to identify your motivators so that on the days you don’t feel like showing up, you have a gentle reminder as to why you should. Once you identify your why, it’s much easier to figure out what your goals are and how you’ll achieve them.
2. That you can’t outwork a bad diet.
As much as we want to think working out gives us a free pass to eat whatever we want, it doesn’t. In fact, it means exactly the opposite: The way you eat should improve in order to fuel your new fitness and wellness regimen! Making healthy choices doesn’t have to be complicated, and it really focuses around one, main idea: Eat Whole Foods And Log Everything.
If you are eating real, nutrient-dense foods (think about shopping the outer perimeter of the grocery store) and tracking the food that you’re eating for general portion control awareness, you are doing exactly what you need to do. Lots of people find it’s helpful to have specific macro nutrient goals to work towards (and the F5 Method can help you with that!), but if you’re just starting off, keep it simple. Eat Whole Foods and Log Everything.
3. Your limits.
If you’re just starting a workout routine, know your limits! Don’t push yourself too hard too quickly and run the risk of injury. Consider attending classes 3 times/week for the first month or so to give your body time to adjust to the new intensity and training style. It can also be HOT during workouts, so knowing when you need to take a water break or a quick breather during the workout is important – and very normal!
4. Mastering the basics is the most important.
Don’t worry about adding weight to your goblet squat until you can master the air squat. It can be easy to feel pressured to “outperform” others around you, but if you can’t confidently – and SAFELY- perform a movement without weight, there is no way you should be adding additional load. The same applies to all other body weight and barbell movements!
5. Not every workout is going to be your best workout.
This can be the hardest pill to swallow for a lot of people. Most days, you’ll come into the gym and be ready to crush the workout. But other times, you’ll be tired/sore/stressed out, and it may not be the day for you to PR your front squat or crush that Tabata.
The good news? It happens to everyone. Regardless of how long you’ve been coming to the gym, some days just won’t be your best. As long as you show up and give your best effort, you’ll win the day.
6. That consistency is more important than intensity to start.
When we’re building healthy habits, the most important thing to focus on at first is just that: making them habits! When we create habits, consistency is king. Find consistency in your attendance, movement (quality over quantity!!), and eating. Before you know it, you’ll be ready to up the intensity, fine tune the minor details, and be even more of a total bad ass.