Tuesday Nov 24/09


50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of:

Patrick, Jeff, and Ginny cleaning in the morning… somehow the gym was still dirty when they left.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Get Off The Ibuprofen Peoples!

Hey Kelly,

At the seminar you said no more ibuprofen, so I stopped. But what should I take when the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) is bad? I foam roll, tennis/lacrosse ball roll, etc… But it only goes so far. Crushing the fish oil as well. ASA (an NSAID by the way) or acetaminophen or just suck it up? (all parentheses are mine)




All right, let’s set the record straight about this stuff.

The Disclaimer: Medicine is serious busines. Always follow the advice of your doctor.


Ok. Ibuprofen has no place in the life of the athlete obsessed with chasing performance.

Read the rest here.

Jeff Edwards

- National Coach USA Weightlifting - Crossfit Coach of individual and team competitors - Outdoorsy nerd - Owner and Head Coach at BR Fit Club